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Artificial intelligence (AI) is starting to pervade the economic and social life. This renders strategic interactions between humans and artificial agents more and more common. At the same time, experimentalists have increasingly employed computer players as a tool to provide a deeper understanding of strategic interaction in general. What can this strand of research teach us about the strategic behavior of humans interacting with AI? I review 162 experimental studies using computer players. I find that behavior and the outcomes of strategic interaction often change when humans interact with computer players rather than other humans. In particular, humans usually adapt to computer players even absent detailed prior information about them, they often act more selfishly and more rationally in their presence, and they apply different cognitive processes. Moreover, while humans are able to exploit computer players following simple algorithms, they are also vulnerable to exploitation by more sophisticated ones. Conversely, computer players may also enhance efficiency. I suggest several directions for future research.  相似文献   
Communication about places is typically termed place branding and is generally situated within the marketing discipline. However, in practice, place branding shares many commonalities with public relations. It involves relationships with a wide range of stakeholders, reputation management, and communication campaigns that involve no direct sale of a product. While some have noted the parallels between place branding and public relations, the intersection of these two fields has not been reviewed empirically. This study examines the relationship between public relations and place branding by exploring how scholars in each field have conceptualised and represented the other in their research publications. A systematic review of 378 journal articles, published from 1988 to 2018 in 18 selected journals from both fields, was conducted. This research shows that while there is a significant conceptual crossover between the two fields and they work together in practice, the place branding literature largely treats public relations as a promotional tactic rather than a disciplinary body of knowledge. Conversely, outside of public diplomacy research, public relations has shown little interest in places and place communication, and there is limited research applying public relations theories and concepts to places. This paper adds to current knowledge on the interdisciplinarity of public relations theories and concepts and how public relations is perceived outside its own field and suggests new possibilities for interdisciplinary research on place communication.  相似文献   
高校辅导员承担着对学生的思想、道德和行为进行教育、引导的重要职责,同时也担负着对学生的学业、生活等事务性工作进行管理与服务的职责。随着经济全球化进程加快与知识经济时代的到来,人们的思想观念更加活跃、开放,价值取向更加多样,增强高校学生思想政治工作的实效性,需要加快辅导员职业化建设的进程。纵观我国高校辅导员制度发展变化的历程,不同的历史时期对辅导员任职要求、工作内容、评价标准等都有具体要求。新时期,辅导员职业化建设需要明确、科学、专业的辅导员角色定位,逐步完善的辅导员职称评定制度,科学合理的辅导员职称评定系列,条理清晰的辅导员管理机制以及健全的辅导员职业生涯管理。  相似文献   
这篇学术对话主要涉及3个方面的问题:1.深入讨论了中国文学史最基本、最核心的问题——"历史性与文学性的关系;"2.结合西方世界中国文学史研究的最新进展,特别是"中国文学史"著作的书写情况(如宾夕法尼亚大学中国语言文学教授维克托.梅尔主编的《哥伦比亚中国文学史》,哈佛大学宇文所安教授和耶鲁大学孙康宜教授共同主编的《剑桥中国文学史》),介绍了西方世界的最新成果和研究信息;3.关于西方从事中国文学史研究的学者们的治学心态、学术观念与内在感受。  相似文献   
《黄帝内经》融合了我国文化之精髓,汲纳了大量的先秦学术思想,是一本多元文化总集,殊具研究价值。本文搜结了近二十年来国内关于研究《黄帝内经》与先秦诸子学说关系的文献资料,分为专书、期列论文、博硕研究生论文三大类,对三类文献各作简略述评。  相似文献   
文学作品标题的翻译难,译成标题既需生动传神、紧扣原作内容主旨,又要力求简洁凝练,还需兼顾译入语文化习惯,更重要的一点是译成标题要有文学性,具有文学审美功能。要做好文学作品标题的翻译,就要遵循一定的翻译原则和方法,而这些翻译原则和方法的制定需要以上述文学作品标题的特征为依据。  相似文献   
最初的“典”体生成于殷人的贡典制度,主要是书写对祖先神灵的祝告之辞和先王先妣的祀谱和庙号。周人将礼乐法度上升到了“典”的神圣地位,并将先王先公有教益和借鉴意义的话语也称之为“典”。而《尧典》是春秋时人出于制度的焦虑,为王者未来的实践行为建构的一部理想性的行政法典,体现出了迥异于商周其它“典”体的叙事性文体特征。  相似文献   
论文化营销构念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用社会及行为科学研究方法,分析研究目前文化营销概念界定出现较大分歧的原因,确定文化营销属于特殊类概念--构念,即研究者依据研究的需要所仔细建构或"发明"的一种概念;对其作出相应的文义性定义,种概念属"营销方式"类别,属差为时代性、对应性、导向性、独特性特征;并指出该课题的研究应由"概念化"界定逐步向"操作化"界定,即由思辨研究向实证研究过渡.  相似文献   
合作博弈理论研究已经涉及经济学多个领域,成为经济研究的重要组成部分.对合作与非完全合作博弈理论的演进阶段、基本问题、博弈的策略与解等方面的研究进行综述.并建议以合作博弈的思想解析中国所面临的国内外合作问题,完善相应的合作策略,化解相应的冲突与磨擦,以利于构建和谐社会与和谐世界,促进中国经济的稳定发展.  相似文献   
《太阳照样升起》文学批评综论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海明威的小说《太阳照样升起》是公认的经典作品。本文将就西方评论家从不同视角、不同文艺批评方法对该作品的阐释研究做认真细致的梳理和综述,认为多维度的研究方法对提高读者对该作品的理解是必要的也是有意义的。  相似文献   
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